Please read and/or print this page (print using the "Print" button on your browser).
This page covers any miscellaneous topics that may be unclear or that you may not be sure how to use. Anything which we think is self-explanatory is not covered here (but since you may not think it is self-explanatory, be sure to contact us with any questions you have on anything).



You can change your password from the "Login" page. Enter your username and current password, and before you click "Submit", enter your new password in the box provided. Then click "Submit". Your password will be changed at that point, and you will have to use the new one on any logins from then on.


You can change information we have on file for you by using settings on the "Login" page. Enter your username and password and before you click "Submit", check the "Change your information on file" box. Then click "Submit". A page will appear showing the current data we have on file for you. Change only the items you need to, leave the others as is, and click "Submit". Any changes will take effect immediately and remain until changed again (i.e., they will remain even after you end that session),


When you register, or at any later time using the "Change information" screen, you can enter 1 or 2 e-mail addresses. We suggest entering one address which is your "regular" office e-mail address, and one which is the e-mail address of some mobile device, like a web-enabled cell phone or pager, a Palm Pilot, etc. (If you do not currently have a "mobile" e-mail address, check with your cell phone or pager providers. Most of the newer pagers and phones have e-mail capability at little or no additional charge.) We will of course use these addresses to communicate with you on general issues regarding the site, questions, etc., but if you want, we will also use these addresses to notify you when a bid is entered on a job you have placed.

The way this works is related to the "Send to e-mail #1" and "Send to e-mail #2" settings (these are "Yes" and "No" choices which you can set when you register and also when you change your information). A "Yes" on either one means to send notification of a new bid to that e-mail, "No" will prevent an e-mail being sent. You can set these at any time before or during a session, to fit with your situation at that time. (For example, if e-mail #1 is your office e-mail and e-mail #2 is your cell phone, and you are leaving the office, you may want to set "Send to e-mail #1?" to "No" and "Send to e-mail #2?" to "Yes", and reset them when you get back.) The e-mail for a bid notification will contain the bid price and the carrier's phone, so you don't really have to be at a computer to follow-up on a bid.


When entering an order, the fields that have to be filled in are noted by an askterisk (*). To save time if the pick-up or delivery point is you, click the "USE MY ADDRESS" button to fill in your address info for the pick-up or delivery.

Places you deliver to or pick-up from frequently can be entered in once and easily used after that. Click on "ADD A STOP" on the job entry page and enter the information about that stop. All of your stops will appear in the drop-down list towards the top of the job entry page. Highlight the stop you want to useby clicking on it in this drop-down list. Then click the "USE FREQUENT STOP" button when you enter pick-up or delivery information, to have the page fill in the information for that stop as the pick-up or delivery point.

From the "View Your Jobs" page, click on the underlined job number in the left-hand column of the grid. This will take you to the job detail page. From there you can view all bids on that job. Click on the name of the courier that made the bid to see that courier's ratings to help you in your choice. You can also withdraw the job by clicking the "Withdraw Job" button on this page.

When you locate a suitable bid for your delivery, give the carrier company a call. When you call, make sure you tell them you are calling on an order from the DeliverTeam.COM Auction Board and give the job number. It is up to you to call the carrier; carriers will not contact you. You must also finalize any details about the job, and how you will pay the carrier, with the carrier you select.

Finally, when your job has been completed, please take a moment to fill out a rating survey on the company that delivered your job. This will help other shippers like yourself to get a better picture of the companies they will be dealing with if they place an order with them.

Jobs will automatically be removed from the site 1 hour after their due time, and you may withdraw any job of yours prior to the due time.


When the site processes any part of a job posting by you, it assumes any time values are your local time, based on the state and zip code you gave when you signed up. Any time values that you enter or change (ready times, due times, expiration times, etc.) should be in your local time. When you place an order, the current time and ready time default are shown in your local time, and your time zone is shown next to any time fields. Please make sure any times you enter are for that time zone, since the system uses that time zone to figure when bidding, jobs, etc. should expire. .